Friday, December 15, 2017

Don't Put Your Seniors Out to Pasture

There's several reasons, I think, the Bible makes it a commandment to honor our parents and the New Testament commands us to care for the old folks in our family, but one of them is undoubtedly this: God knows we tend to ignore them, which is really a form of hatred.

Yes, I know that sounds harsh. But can anyone doubt that the modern evangelical church has marginalized seniors and the elderly into ecclesiological inconsequence, that we have assimilated worldly culture's idolization of youth?

I once read in a friend's Facebook status that all the "old people" are gonna hate heaven if they think the worship music in churches is too loud. You know, because heaven's worship is going to be exactly like the laser light rock and roll concerts we got goin' on in evangelicalism right now. (Eye roll.)

Church would be so much more fun if it weren't for all these lame old people and their lame musical tastes. They don't get "real" worship, do they? Read More

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