Thursday, October 12, 2017

In a Divided Culture, Church Singing Can Unite and Invite

At a time when everything is a source of a division—when even professional sports have become political lightning rods—how can the Christian church be different? How can we model something radically uniting and inviting to a world going deaf from the cacophony of partisan bickering?

Maybe the answer is closer than we think. Perhaps it’s as simple as recognizing the power of something we do week after week, and committing ourselves to it anew: singing together.

Amid the discordant chorus of voices in our fragmented culture, shouting to be heard and yelling at one another on social media, the church’s voice can sound altogether different: not shouting at one another, but singing to our Savior; not discordant, but with one voice; not for our own grandstanding, but for God’s glory. Read More

Also See:
Porters Gate Worship Project
Retuned Hymnal
Porter's Gate Worship Project: Work Songs

Image from facebook page –

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