Saturday, February 25, 2017

Use Your Catechism, Silly

This ongoing Reformed resurgence is an exciting, unexpected development. It has been a joy to watch people from all backgrounds, cultures, and nations discover and delight in those heart-stirring truths. Yet I think many have failed to take advantage of a resource that is theirs by virtue of their newfound theology.

Part of the joy of being Reformed is entering in to an existing, defined stream of theology. This gives us access to a thorough reference library that answers many questions and clarifies many conundrums. When we are uncertain about matters of faith or practice, it should be our habit to consult this library of creeds, confessions, and catechisms, for in it we learn what Reformed believers have long held to be true. By accessing this library, we appeal to the established, historic body of truth that forms the Reformed tradition. Of course, these resources are not equal in authority to the Bible and their purpose is to explain Scripture rather than to replace or overrule it. But still, they provide crucial wisdom and guidance.

In what follows I’ll show how appeals to this reference library can be tremendously helpful. Read More

Related Articles:
Resources for Learning Your Catechisms
B.H. Carroll and Robust Confessionalism
A catechism written in Latin by Alexander Nowell... Together with the same catechism translated into English by Thomas Norton.
Good advise from Tim Challies to which I must add one caveat...provided that your denomination's catechism is biblical, theologically sound, and Reformed. Unfortunately both the catechism of the Episcopal Church USA and the catechism of the Anglican Church in North America do not meet these requirements. For those who are interested, I have provided a link to the Parker Society's edition of Alexander Nowell's Catechism, which was authorized by Convocation and used in the Church of England during the reign of Elizabeth I. It meets the foregoing requirements.

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