Monday, April 04, 2016

Dan Kimball: Beyond ‘Outside the Box’

I was in a church planning meeting recently, when someone used what has become somewhat of a cliché phrase: “Let’s think outside the box.”

A young woman in her 20s heard it and said, “Why do we even need to say that? Shouldn’t Christians always be existing outside the box?”

It was in interesting question. When it comes to innovation, there should be no group on the planet that strives to think creatively like the local church does—but not simply for sake of innovation or to be caught up on the latest church trends. Whenever we think of innovation, our motives, hearts and minds should first and foremost be aligned with what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 9: “I become all things to all people.”

Paul had such a passion for people to know and follow Jesus that it drove everything he did. This is what should be behind innovation: being innovative for the sake of people. Read More

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