Wednesday, April 06, 2016

A Third Alternative Prayer of Thanksgiving and Consecration

A third alternative Prayer of Thanksgiving and Consecration is now on the A Prayer Book for North America website.
This alternative Prayer of Thanksgiving and Consecration may be used in the Holy Communion, Second Order. Like the other three prayers it has two epicleses, no invocation of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the bread and wine, and no oblation of any kind. Like the first and second alternative Prayers of Thanksgiving and Consecration, it has no special prefaces. The preface incorporates phrases from the special prefaces of the Prayer of Thanksgiving and Consecration printed in the Holy Communion, Second Order, giving it a fuller commemoration of Christ’s saving work than the first and second alternative Prayers of Thanksgiving and Consecration. The first epiclesis forms the post-sanctus and contains an allusion to 1 Corinthians 10:16. The second epiclesis contains an allusion to Ephesians 5:8. The prayer has five acclamations—one after the first epiclesis, one after the Words of Institution about the bread, one after the Words of Institution about the cup, one after the second epiclesis, and a doxology at the conclusion of the prayer. This prayer may be used year round
This prayer brings to four the number of prayers that may be used in the Holy Communion, Second Order.

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