Thursday, October 08, 2015

Doctrinal Issues in the Twenty-First Century: Four Articles

Conversation about the Atonement: Is It Limited or Unlimited? Part 1

Pink’s argument in his quote goes far beyond just the question, “who will be saved”, but deeper into the topic of the sovereignty of God. We have to be honest with the scriptures and put our hearts and feelings aside so that we can interpret the scriptures fully, and properly. Let’s look at the following views and summarize them carefully. These positions consist of Arminians, Universalists, and Reformed theology. Read more

J. I. Packer on Why Annihilationism Is Wrong

The doctrine of hell is the most difficult aspect of the Christian faith for many people. It is for me. I feel acutely the unremitting sadness of this doctrine. But to be a Christian is—at the very least—to confess Christ the Son of God, and to confess Christ the Son of God is—at the very least—to submit to his teaching. And this includes his teaching on hell (which was quite copious and colorful). Read more

Do Old Testament Laws Apply Today?

The first thing to understand is the backdrop against which the various Old Testament commands were issued. The Biblical text tells us that as Israel approached its land of promise, they would be confronted by the existing inhabitants (the Canaanites) and their pagan activities. To resist the ways of Canaan, Israel needed to learn the proper ways to worship God and run the nation, be reminded of His truth, and avoid the same immoral practices that brought God’s judgment against the Canaanites. Read more

What Does Scripture Teach About the Office of Prophet and Gift of Prophecy?

A prophet’s primary function in the Old Testament (OT) was to serve as God’s representative or ambassador by communicating God’s word to his people. True prophets never spoke on their own authority or shared their personal opinions, but rather delivered the message God himself gave them. Several texts make this explicit. Read more

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