Monday, August 10, 2015

Finding the Right Church Planting Model: Launch Big Model (Part 3)

What is the Launch Big church planting model, and why is it so popular? Is it right for you?

As we look at church planting models, I started with a more traditional model. My hope was that people would first consider what they might have rejected. The second model is probably the most used—the Launch Large Model. Keep reading
The Journey, the church with which I am sojourning, was launched, using this church planting model. It is resource-intensive. As Ed Stetzer points out, it requires high end financing. On the other hand, Hope Church, the previous church plant in which I was involved, was launched, using an entirely different model. The church planter started small groups first and then held a launch service. Both church plants were initially funded by a local association of churches of the same denomination. Two additional critical differences between the two church plants was that in the case of the Journey the church planter sold his vision to the local association and its churches agreed to fund the launch. In the case of Hope church the local association recruited the church planter after identifying a potential church plant site and the churches funding the start-up had notions of their own about how the new church should be planted and when it should be launched. The church planter would have preferred to have started more small groups and held a launch service with a larger base. With a larger base he would have had a larger group of ministry team volunteers and leaders and potential leaders, which is needed for a new congregation to grow and flourish.

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