Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Leadership Challenges in Church Revitalization

Church revitalization is messy, but love people and lean on the faithfulness of Jesus.

I fell in love with church revitalization early in my ministry when I served a church of senior adults during a brief stint teaching at a seminary.

The median age of the people was 68. It seemed like there was an oxygen tank or a walker at the end of most pews.

They came to me and said, “Dr. Stetzer, help us reach the young people.”

Leading a church in revitalization has taught me some invaluable lessons. While the process is often difficult and slow moving, if approached correctly it can reinvigorate and empower God’s people to produce lasting fruit. Keep reading
The church shown in the photo is St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Hickman, Kentucky, the oldest Episcopal church in westernmost Kentucky. 
Photo credit. archive.constantcontact.com

1 comment:

Sridhar Chandrasekaran said...

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