Thursday, April 23, 2015

Border Crossing: Renting to Churches of Other Cultures Part 1

When immigrants need worship space, think twice before renting.

A small immigrant congregation seeks space for worship services, and an established host-culture church with ample facilities weighs whether to make room. Should they do it?

Though few realize it, the more important question is why. Not answering it honestly from the start can lead to failure.

Renting is just one of several types of relationships between cultural groups sharing church facilities.[1] Though it lies at the end of the spectrum that least exemplifies the inclusive discipline of border crossing that Jesus modeled, renting can work for certain purposes. It can also disappoint disastrously, pushing partners further afield from their original financial or spiritual goals.

Depending on the answer to the “Why are we doing this?” question, renting can take at least three forms. Today’s post focuses on the first: renting as material gain. Keep reading

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