Tuesday, January 27, 2015

India: Christian villagers living in fear after Hindu nationalists burn down village church

It was just a simple structure made of bamboo and palm thatches, but it was a place of worship for the village's population of Indian Christians.

Despite action by the police and the fire department as well as members of the church, in Tadur, Telengana state, the fire destroyed everything inside the structure. These included the church's musical instruments, carpets and prized literature.

Attacks against the Christian minority in India have escalated over the past few months as the current Indian government appears sympathetic to Hindu fundamentalism. The ICC said that attacks range from actual physical attacks against Christians, to torching properties that are owned by Indians who are known to be Christians, and to allegations of forced conversions of the local population. Keep reading

Also see
India's Christians look to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for support after attacks
India's Hindu nationalists claim to have converted 27 Christians
India: Bishops urge Narendra Modi to stop Hindu mass conversions of Christians

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