Saturday, December 13, 2008

OBAMA WATCH: Obama could set pro-life movement back decades

[Baptist Press News] 13 Dec 2008--Faced with a strengthened pro-choice majority in Congress and a new pro-choice president, pro-life groups are gearing up for a political fight to prevent passage of the Freedom of Choice Act, a bill that could set back their cause by decades.

FOCA, as it is often called, has been proposed by abortion rights supporters for two decades but now actually may have the votes for passage, particularly with President-elect Obama -- a FOCA supporter -- in office. It has two prongs: 1) it would make abortion a "fundamental right" for women and ensure that abortion remains legal even if Roe v. Wade someday is overturned and 2) would legalize partial-birth abortion once again and nullify all restrictions on abortion, such as waiting periods and parental notification laws. Additionally, it almost certainly would require taxpayer funding of abortion.

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