Saturday, December 27, 2008

Carols a cracker for Christmas

[] 27 Dec 2008--Carols may be a traditional event for a church to run, but through different measures of innovation, these events have drawn visitors to church in their thousands this year. While many carols are hundreds of years old, this year’s turnouts show that it is still hip to sing them at events which are for many churches, the main outreach event of the year. This week, we ask three different Sydney Anglican churches how carols led to a ripper catch of new Christmas connections.

A crowd of 5,000 flocked to Figtree Anglican Church’s carols, which featured heart-throb and Neighbours star Dean Geyer, acclaimed musician James Morrison and popular children’s entertainer Colin Buchanan.

The event included free showbags and facepainting for the kids, and activities for youth, such as basketball games.

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