Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Diocese of Louisiana Convention Watch


[Sttand Firm] 26 Feb 2008--But what happens if the parishes merely do what is canonically mandated [and under the new canon punitively enforced], and pay a 10% assessment. It appears that the diocese would actually bring in less money than in 2007, by some 47K. But wait -- it gets worse. At the same time that the diocese decreased its take, the pledge "to the work of the national Episcopal Church" would still go up radically, meaning that the loss to the bottom line for the diocese would be significant.

If I didn't have a naive and trusting heart, I would suspect that this is a classic bait and switch. If the diocese succeeds in selling the laity on "giving more money to the diocese" under the new system, the only institution that appears to actually be assured of receiving significantly more money is "the national Episcopal Church".

Looks like Bishop Charles Jenkins got tired of begging for money and pleading for Louisiana Episcopalians to support the national church.

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