Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Episcopalians bridal buggery


[WorldNetDaily] 18 Dec 2007--From the dearth of any news reports to the contrary, the Episcopal Church's presiding bishop, the Most Reverend Katherine Jefferts Schori, apparently had no comment on the latest bizarre news from the Diocese of New Hampshire.

Episcopal Bishop Vickie Gene Robinson (yes, that is actually his name) announced:
"I've always wanted to be a June bride!"

This memorable revelation of next June's civilly unionizing of himself with his homosexual lover begs the question as to why Bishop Vickie Gene designated himself as the bride – rather than his male lover?

Was it because this lover asked the bishop to marry him – as their version of what is traditionally known as The Big Question?

Or did this have something to do with the physical aspects of their relationship?

1 comment:

moxie said...

well, his name IS Vicki.