Saturday, May 19, 2007

Sola Ecclesia: The Episcopal Church as the Measure of Truth

[Stand Firm] 19 May 2007--The Episcopal Church, in other words, is not guided, convicted, and/or rebuked by the Word of God but rather she rummages about in the word for something she deems "helpful" and "true" and discards the rest. So, what happens if, and I know this is inconcievable, the Episcopal Church falls into error? Apparently she doesn't. The only way, in fact, for a system like this to function is to assume that God's truth is both heard and revealed more clearly at the General Convention of the Episcopal Church than it is in Scripture or in Tradition. The Episcopal Church must herself act as the thresher, sorting the true wheat from chaff. And to act in this way is to assume, as the thresher, an authority not on par with other sources but over and above them.

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