Monday, March 26, 2007

Episcopal Head Supports Bishops' Resolutions'_Resolutions.htm

[The Christian Post] 26 Mar 2007--Following resolutions passed by Episcopal bishops that indicated rejection of several demands by the global Anglican family, the Episcopal head highlighted the urgency for a meeting with Anglican leaders worldwide.

"I think that the bishops of the Episcopal Church very much want Rowan Williams and the members of the Primates' Standing Committee to hear directly from us about our concern for all members of this church, those we agree with theologically and those with whom we disagree, gay and lesbian members of our church and those who find it difficult to countenance blessing unions or ordaining gay and lesbian people," said U.S. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori at a news conference on Wednesday, according to the Episcopal News Service.

"I think there is some belief in this House [of Bishops] that other parts of the communion do not understand us very well," she said, adding that other Primates (Anglican leaders) should also be invited to hear concerns from the Episcopal Church.

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