Friday, April 28, 2006

Fear factor slows the Gospel in Egypt

[Baptist Presas] April 27, 2006--Some time ago, the elder sister in an Egyptian Muslim family decided to follow Jesus Christ as Lord. Instead of keeping her faith a secret, as many Muslim-background believers do, she told her younger sister – who also became a believer. One day, their mother overheard the sisters whispering about Jesus. Distraught, she slipped poison into the family’s food –- a little taste for everyone, a deadly dose for the older sister. The police later concluded it was an accident.Better for her own daughter to die, the mother reasoned, than to bring shame and dishonor on the family. Such is the reality that faces many new believers in Egypt, particularly in conservative Muslim families and communities.

Related article:
‘Day of Prayer and Fasting’ June 4 to focus on Egypt’s peoples - Baptist Press

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