Thursday, December 22, 2005

Standing with Christ crucified

[The Church of England Newspaper] December 22, 2005--Constantine’s victory over Maxentius in 312 at the battle of Milvian Bridge saw the beginning of the end of official persecution of Christians, as Constantine became Emperor and adopted an increasingly sympathetic approach to Christianity as the fast growing faith in the West. The ‘establishment’ of Christianity followed quickly and Constantine was the convenor of the Council of Nicea in 325 to define the status of Christ as the divine Son. Slavery was later abolished under Justinian. The Christian way became part of the fabric of society. Establishment in England continues structurally to reflect such influence. But this ancient pattern, which of course had it dark side as well its merits, now exists in form alone. It becomes clearer by the day that Christianity as a kind of moral stitching of social value is being deliberately unpicked at many levels. The Constantinian pattern is going into reverse, and this leaves an established church particularly exposed and tempted to water down its message.

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